First Nations Assignment

Fact Chart

Food = Corn, Beans, Tobacco, Sunflower, Squash

Shelter = longhouses, hearths

Clothing =

Social Organization = Matrilineal & Matrilocal

Government ceremony = Civil chief directed normal activities of the clan. Military chief was in charge of settling conflicts with other groups.

I think I may have switched the Government ceremony information with the Social Organization. I don't know If I have put the correct information in for those 2.

Would these go anywhere: The Iroquois had a three level system of government-town, tribal, and confederacy.

On a regular basis, councils would be held to discuss matters concerning the entire group, and each town would send representatives to this council. The nations of the Iroquois cooperated as much as possible. Matters concerning the entire nation would be discusssed at a confederacy council, and each tribe would send representatives to this council. At all levels, decisions were made democratically and the opinion of the majority was heard.

Your notes for social organization and government ceremony are right.

That seems to be enough, and you don't need to include the other information unless you want to add to the government category.

thanks, my text didn't have any info on clothing, do you know what they wore?

You're welcome.

Based on the information you provided, it appears that the Government ceremony information and the Social Organization information have indeed been switched.

Here is a revised breakdown of the Iroquois:

Social Organization: The Iroquois had a matrilineal and matrilocal social organization. This means that descent and inheritance were traced through the female line, and married couples would live with or near the bride's family.

Government Ceremony: The Iroquois had a three-level system of government consisting of town, tribal, and confederacy councils. On a regular basis, councils would be held at each level to discuss matters concerning the entire group. Each town would send representatives to the town council, each tribe would send representatives to the tribal council, and all tribes would send representatives to the confederacy council. Decisions at all levels were made democratically, and the opinion of the majority was taken into account.

Food: The main food sources for the Iroquois were corn, beans, tobacco, sunflower, and squash. These crops were cultivated and provided the primary sustenance for the community.

Shelter: The Iroquois lived in longhouses, which were large communal dwellings that housed several families. These structures were made of wooden frames covered with bark or thatch. They also had hearths for cooking and warmth.

Clothing: Unfortunately, the information for clothing is not provided in the given facts. However, it is known that the Iroquois used various materials such as animal skins, plant fibers, and woven textiles to make their clothing.

It is important to thoroughly research and verify the facts about each topic to ensure accuracy in your assignment. It is also recommended to consult reliable sources such as books, articles, or reputable websites dedicated to First Nations history and culture.