Which slope would be steeper : 8 or 1/8

slope = rise/run

the bigger the number, the steeper the slope.
8 is bigger than .125

Is it like y=1/8-8 .

How did you get 125

1/8 = 0.125

To determine which slope is steeper, we can compare the values of the slopes. A slope represents the change in vertical distance divided by the change in horizontal distance.

The slope of 8 means that for every 1 unit increase in the horizontal distance, there is an 8 unit increase in the vertical distance. This indicates a steep climb.

On the other hand, the slope of 1/8 means that for every 1 unit increase in the horizontal distance, there is a 1/8 unit increase in the vertical distance. This suggests a much gentler incline.

Comparing the two slopes, we can conclude that a slope of 8 is steeper than a slope of 1/8.