I need help unscrambling these words to form sentences in French.

1. Je/des/cherche/bibliothèque/à/livres/la

2. à/Jean/allons/un/Nous/donner/pantaloon

3. Chapeaux/porte de/ne/pas/Lucie

4. professeur/Le/donne/examens/ne/d’/pas/faciles
**I thought this one was=Le professeur ne donne pas faciles d’examens.

1. Je cherche des livres à la bibliothèque.

2. Nous allons donner un pantalon à Jean.

3. Lucie ne porte pas de chapeaux.

4. Le professeur ne donne pas d'examens faciles.

Sr (aka Mme)

To unscramble these words and form sentences in French, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the subject, verb, and other components of the sentence.
2. Determine the correct order of the words based on French syntax rules.
3. Rearrange the words accordingly to form grammatically correct sentences.

Now, let's unscramble the words to form the sentences:

1. Je cherche des livres à la bibliothèque. (I'm looking for books at the library.)
- In this sentence, "Je" (I) is the subject, "cherche" (am looking for) is the verb, "des livres" (some books) is the object, and "à la bibliothèque" (at the library) provides additional information.

2. Nous allons donner un pantalon à Jean. (We are going to give pants to Jean.)
- Here, "Nous" (We) is the subject, "allons donner" (are going to give) is the verb, "un pantalon" (pants) is the object, and "à Jean" (to Jean) specifies the recipient.

3. Lucie ne porte pas de chapeaux. (Lucie does not wear hats.)
- In this sentence, "Lucie" is the subject, "porte" (wears) is the verb, "de chapeaux" (hats) is the object, and "ne pas" (not) negates the verb.

4. Le professeur ne donne pas d'examens faciles. (The teacher does not give easy exams.)
- Here, "Le professeur" (The teacher) is the subject, "ne donne pas" (does not give) is the verb, "d'examens faciles" (easy exams) is the object, and "ne pas" (not) negates the verb.

Your attempt for the fourth sentence, "Le professeur ne donne pas faciles d'examens," is almost correct. However, in French, the article "d'" is used before a noun beginning with a vowel sound or a silent "h." So, in this case, it should be "d'examens faciles."