16 years = ? seconds

60 seconds in one minute

60 minutes in one hour
24 hours in one day
365 days in one year (for 3 of 4 years)
366 days in one year (for 1 of 4 years)

Hint: multiply 12 years times 365 and 4 years by 366.

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16 years in seconds

To convert 16 years into seconds, you'll need to know the number of seconds in a minute, minutes in an hour, hours in a day, and days in a year. Here's how you can calculate it step by step:

1. Start with the number of seconds in a minute:
There are 60 seconds in one minute.

2. Multiply the number of seconds in a minute by the number of minutes in an hour:
60 seconds/minute * 60 minutes/hour = 3,600 seconds/hour.

3. Multiply the number of seconds in an hour by the number of hours in a day:
3,600 seconds/hour * 24 hours/day = 86,400 seconds/day.

4. Multiply the number of seconds in a day by the number of days in a year:
86,400 seconds/day * 365 days/year = 31,536,000 seconds/year.

5. Finally, multiply the number of seconds in a year by the given number of years (in this case, 16):
31,536,000 seconds/year * 16 years = 504,576,000 seconds.

Therefore, 16 years is equal to 504,576,000 seconds.