I am stuck on translating this passage.

Mittis mihi nullas epstulas. "Nihil est quod scribam," dicis. Tum scribe et dic me quod. Aut dic "si vales, tum ego valeo." Hoc erit graum mihi. Ludere me putas? Non ludo. Scribe celerrime. Vale!

If you can help me translate it; it will be greatly appreciated.

Brandi, Here is the translator that I gave you the link for before.


Give it a try, using the link GuruBlue has given you. Then post what you think, and I'll help you.

Did you ever go back and see about your post the other day?

Yes I did. It was helpful. Thank you. The link was also helpful.

To translate this passage, you can follow a step-by-step approach:

1. Identify the words: Start by reading the passage carefully and identifying the individual words. Here are the translations for the words in the passage:
- Mittis: You send
- mihi: to me
- nullas: no
- epistulas: letters
- Nihil: Nothing
- est: is
- quod: that, which
- scribam: I should write
- dicis: you say
- Tum: Then
- scribe: write
- et: and
- dic: say
- me: to me
- si: if
- vales: you are well
- ego: I
- valeo: am well
- Hoc: This
- erit: will be
- graum: burdensome
- mihi: to me
- Ludere: You think
- me: me
- putas: to be playing
- Non: I am not
- ludo: playing
- celerrime: quickly
- Vale: Goodbye

2. Analyze the structure: Now that you know the meaning of each word, look for the grammatical construction and the order in which the words appear in the sentence.

3. Translate sentence by sentence: Break down the passage into smaller sentences and translate them individually. Here's a translation of each sentence:
a. "You send no letters to me."
b. "You say, 'There is nothing for me to write.'"
c. "Then write and tell me what it is."
d. "Or say, 'If you are well, then I am well.'"
e. "This will be burdensome to me."
f. "You think I am playing? I am not playing."
g. "Write quickly. Goodbye!"

Putting it all together, the translation of the passage would be:
"You send no letters to me. You say, 'There is nothing for me to write.' Then write and tell me what it is. Or say, 'If you are well, then I am well.' This will be burdensome to me. You think I am playing? I am not playing. Write quickly. Goodbye!"