6/11x32 by using estimating product

To estimate the product of 6/11 and 32, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Estimate the numerator (6) of the fraction.
Since 6 is close to 5 (which is easily divisible), estimate the numerator as 5.

Step 2: Estimate the denominator (11) of the fraction.
Since 11 is close to 10 (which is also easily divisible), estimate the denominator as 10.

Step 3: Estimate the product of the estimated fraction.
Multiply the estimated numerator (5) with the estimated denominator (10). The estimated product is 5 * 10 = 50.

Step 4: Estimate the product with the whole number (32).
Now, multiply the estimated product (50) with the whole number (32). The final estimated product is 50 * 32 = 1600.

So, by estimating the product of 6/11 and 32, we get an approximate answer of 1600.