If I wanted to right

SIGMA F = ma

in the proper notation
what would I put above and below SIGMA

Would I put a lower case "n" above SIGMA and "i = 0" below it and then put a subscript "i" under the "F"

thank you I have been woundering about this as it makes sense to include these in stuff like stats so I do not see why we don't include them in physics can you please tell me what goes above and below SIGMA in this situation?


Typically sigma F is taken to mean the sum of all the forces acting on an object. It does not require sub- or super-scripts to denote specifically the forces it includes, unless you wish to specify some but not all of the forces. Then you could label the forces F1, F2, etc. and describe them as such.

The start and end are included in math to specify the terms used. For example, if you are given a sequence with terms described by a(n), then SIGMA from i = 0 to 5 describes the sum [ f(0) + f(1) + ... + f(5)]. Similarly, SIGMA from i = 0 to infinity describes the sum of all of the terms above and including i = 0.

In the equation "SIGMA F = ma", the sigma symbol (Σ) represents the sum of a series of forces. In physics, it is common to use sigma notation to represent the sum of a sequence of terms.

To denote the index variable in sigma notation, you can place a letter or symbol above the sigma symbol. In this case, you suggested using a lowercase "n" above the sigma (Σn), which is commonly used to represent the number of terms in the sequence.

To indicate the starting point of the sum, you can place a subscript under the sigma symbol and specify the initial value of the index variable. In this case, you mentioned using "i = 0" below the sigma. This means that the sum starts from i = 0.

Finally, to denote the term being summed, you can use a subscript on the variable being summed. In this case, you identified "F" as the variable being summed. So, you can write it as ΣFi = ma.

Therefore, the proper notation for the equation "SIGMA F = ma" using sigma notation would be Σn Fi = ma, where "n" represents the number of terms in the sum, "i = 0" indicates the starting point of the sum, "Fi" represents the forces being summed, and "ma" on the right side of the equation remains as it is.

It's worth noting that while sigma notation is commonly used in mathematics and statistics, its usage in physics varies depending on the context and the specific equations being used.