
log2(2x^2)[log2(16x)]= 9/2log2x

To solve the given equation:

1. Let's simplify the equation step by step.

2. Start by simplifying the left side of the equation using the properties of logarithms:

log2(2x^2)[log2(16x)]= log2(2x^2) * log2(16x)

3. Apply the logarithmic properties to further simplify:

log2(2x^2) = 2 log2(x)
log2(16x) = log2(16) + log2(x)

4. Use the property logb(a^n) = n*logb(a) to simplify further:

2 log2(x) * (log2(16) + log2(x))

Log2(16) = 4, as 2^4 = 16

2 log2(x) * (4 + log2(x))

5. Multiply 2 by 4 and then distribute 2 log2(x) to both terms inside the parentheses:

8 log2(x) + 2(log2(x))^2

6. Now, let's simplify the right side of the equation:

9/2 log2(x) = (9/2) * log2(x)

7. Setting the left side equal to the right side:

8 log2(x) + 2(log2(x))^2 = (9/2) * log2(x)

8. Next, let's solve this quadratic equation by bringing all the terms to one side:

2(log2(x))^2 - (9/2)*log2(x) + 8*log2(x) = 0

2(log2(x))^2 + (8 - (9/2))log2(x) = 0

2(log2(x))^2 + (16/2 - 9/2)log2(x) = 0

2(log2(x))^2 + (7/2)log2(x) = 0

9. Set a new variable, let's say u = log2(x):

2u^2 + (7/2)u = 0

10. Factor out u:

u(2u + 7/2) = 0

11. Set each factor equal to zero:

u = 0 OR 2u + 7/2 = 0

12. Solve for u in the second equation:

2u + 7/2 = 0
2u = -7/2
u = -7/4

13. Substitute the value of u back in terms of x:

log2(x) = 0 OR log2(x) = -7/4

14. Solve for x:

For log2(x) = 0:
x = 2^0
x = 1

For log2(x) = -7/4:
x = 2^(-7/4)
x = 1/2^(7/4)
x = 1/2^(7/4)
x = 1/2^(7/4)
x ≈ 0.231

15. The two solutions to the equation are x = 1 and x ≈ 0.231.