Draw a diagram that can be used to explain sea-loor spreading. Label your diagram.

As an AI text-based model, I am not able to directly draw a diagram for you. However, I can guide you on how to create a simple diagram explaining sea-floor spreading, and you can draw it yourself using any drawing software or pen and paper.

Here's the step-by-step description of drawing a diagram for sea-floor spreading:

1. Start by drawing a horizontal line across your drawing surface. This line represents the mid-ocean ridge, which is the underwater mountain range that runs along the Earth's ocean basins.

2. Above the mid-ocean ridge, draw arrows pointing away from the ridge on both sides. These arrows represent the movement of tectonic plates, specifically the divergent boundary where two plates are moving apart.

3. On each side of the ridge, draw curved lines that represent the oceanic crust. It should start from the ridge and extend outward like a fan. The lines should be symmetric on both sides.

4. Label one side of the diagram as "Oceanic Crust A" and the other side as "Oceanic Crust B". These labels represent the two halves of the oceanic crust separated by the mid-ocean ridge.

5. Inside each half of the oceanic crust, draw small arrows parallel to the ridge. These arrows indicate the direction of magma flow. They should point away from the mid-ocean ridge.

6. Next, draw more arrows below the oceanic crust lines to show the newly formed crust. These arrows should be parallel to the oceanic crust lines and pointing away from the mid-ocean ridge. These lines represent the process of magma solidifying and creating new oceanic crust.

7. Label the arrows below the oceanic crust lines as "Newly Formed Crust" to indicate the formation of new oceanic lithosphere at the spreading center.

8. Finally, you can add additional labels or text boxes to explain the key concepts and features of sea-floor spreading, such as "Mid-Ocean Ridge", "Divergent Boundary", "Magma", and "Creation of New Oceanic Crust".

Remember, this is a simplified representation, and sea-floor spreading involves complex geological processes. However, this diagram should give a basic understanding of the key elements involved.

Lots of ideas here.
