While walking in the rain forest, I myself saw the bug under the tree.

Are the pronouns I and myself

dogs are over there; these are the mamals.

Are the pronouns there and these.

While walking in the rain forest, I myself saw the bug under the tree.

Are the pronouns I and myself

dogs are over there; these are the mamals.

Are the pronouns there and these.

You're right on both counts. Congrats!


Yes, you are correct. In the sentence "While walking in the rain forest, I myself saw the bug under the tree," the pronouns "I" and "myself" are used. "I" is a personal pronoun that refers to the person speaking, and "myself" is a reflexive pronoun that emphasizes or reflects back to the subject of the sentence.

In the second sentence "Dogs are over there; these are the mammals," the pronouns "there" and "these" are also used. "There" is a demonstrative pronoun that refers to a place or location, and "these" is a demonstrative pronoun that refers to objects or things that are nearby.