In which direction does the parabola that is given by the equation below open?

y = -4.5(x - 6)2 + 1

The direction in which a parabola opens can be determined by looking at the coefficient of the squared term in the equation. In this case, the equation given is y = -4.5(x - 6)^2 + 1.

The coefficient in front of the squared term is -4.5. Since this coefficient is negative (-4.5 < 0), the parabola opens downwards. The negative coefficient indicates that the parabola is concave downwards, forming a "U" shape.

To determine the direction of a parabola, you need to look at the sign of the coefficient of the squared term. If the coefficient is positive (greater than 0), the parabola opens upwards. If the coefficient is negative (less than 0), the parabola opens downwards.