what was the contribution of the frontier on America?

The frontier -- whether west of the Appalachians, west of the Mississippi, or in Alaska -- meant that there was lots of room for the country to grow and that new adventures awaited anyone who wanted them.

This poem sums up the frontier.


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You're welcome.

To understand the contribution of the frontier on America, we need to explore the concept of the frontier itself. The term "frontier" refers to the geographical and cultural boundaries of expanding settlements in the United States during the 17th to 19th centuries. It represented the process of westward expansion as pioneers pushed beyond the established settlements into uncharted territories.

The frontier had several significant contributions to America:

1. Land and Natural Resources: The frontier provided immense land and abundant natural resources, including timber, minerals, and fertile soil. This allowed for the expansion of agriculture, mining, and industries, thereby supporting economic growth.

2. Manifest Destiny: The concept of "Manifest Destiny" emerged from the idea that it was America's destiny to expand and possess the land from coast to coast. The frontier symbolized this ideology and its pursuit influenced American culture and policies.

3. National Identity: The frontier played a crucial role in shaping the American national identity. The experience of exploring and settling the frontier fostered self-reliance, independence, and resilience among the pioneers, which came to be seen as defining qualities of the American character.

4. Cultural Melting Pot: As settlers moved westward, they encountered diverse indigenous peoples, as well as immigrants from different countries. The frontier acted as a meeting point where various cultures converged, leading to cultural exchange, the blending of traditions, and the development of a uniquely American culture.

5. Expansion of Democracy: The frontier offered new opportunities for individuals to own land, start businesses, and participate in local governance. This contributed to the democratization of American society, as people gained more individual rights and political participation.

To understand the specific details and impacts of the frontier on America, it is recommended to delve deeper into the subject by reading books, articles, and scholarly research on American history, westward expansion, and its cultural and societal effects.