I have to choose a european landscape and, with the support of a photograph/picture, comment on it and mention the different aspects of the landscape and its characterisctics of Europe as well as how the space is used by the people.

I am not sure what to pick. What would be good? What do I want the pic to have in it?

Memorable landscapes I've seen in Europe:

* Many views of the Alps, including the Matterhorn

* Paris's Jardin du Luxembourg in April

* fields in England

* Double cropping in Italy

* Old Pompeii

* Hillsides along the Rhine

* View of Canterbury Cathedral from afar.

* White cliffs of Dover


Isn't that a volcano with the houses built around it?

When choosing a European landscape for your assignment, it is important to consider a few factors. Here are some suggestions on what you can look for in a picture:

1. Iconic Landmarks: Look for a photograph that features a well-known European landmark, such as the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Colosseum in Rome, or the Charles Bridge in Prague. These landmarks often represent the rich cultural heritage and historical significance of Europe.

2. Natural Scenery: Consider selecting a picture that showcases the diverse natural landscapes of Europe. It could be a captivating mountain range like the Swiss Alps or Dolomites, a picturesque coastal area like the Greek Islands or the Amalfi Coast, or even a tranquil countryside scene like the lavender fields in Provence or the rolling hills of Tuscany.

3. Urban Spaces: Explore a photograph that portrays the urban environment and how it is utilized by people. This could be a bustling cityscape with skyscrapers, busy streets, and public spaces like parks or squares. Look for the depiction of architecture, transportation systems, and the presence of people engaging in various activities.

4. Historical Settings: If you have a particular interest in European history, you may want to select a picture that showcases a historic city center, a medieval castle, or an ancient archaeological site. These images can provide insights into how historical spaces are preserved and used by people today.

Once you have selected a photograph, you can comment on the different aspects of the landscape and its characteristics. Describe the visual elements, such as the colors, patterns, and textures that are present. Identify the natural or man-made features that help define the space, and discuss how the landscape reflects the cultural, social, and environmental aspects of Europe.

Furthermore, mention how the space is utilized by people. Consider aspects like recreational activities, tourism, agriculture, transportation, or any other significant human interactions within the landscape. This will enable you to provide a comprehensive analysis of the picture and its connection to European landscapes and their utilization.