can anyone explain how to do accent marks on words?

For use in Windows:

If you have a Mac, there are different keystrokes. Just go to and search for special characters or accent marks.


Sure! To add accent marks to words, you can follow these steps:

For Windows:

1. Open a document or text editor where you want to insert the accent mark.
2. Press and hold the "Alt" key on your keyboard.
3. While holding down the "Alt" key, type the corresponding numeric code for the accent mark using the numeric keypad (not the numbers above the letters).
4. Release the "Alt" key to insert the accent mark.

You can find a list of numeric codes for different accented characters at the link provided:

For Mac:

1. Open a document or text editor where you want to insert the accent mark.
2. On your Mac, go to
3. In the search bar, type either "special characters" or "accent marks" and hit Enter.
4. Click on the search result that provides information about special characters or accent marks.
5. In the special characters window that appears, locate and select the accent mark you want to use.
6. Click on the "Insert" button to insert the selected accent mark into your document.

The exact method for using accent marks may vary depending on the application or text editor you are using, so it's always a good idea to check the specific instructions for that software.