State your opinion: Why do you think Romeo and Juliet remains so popular even to this day? What is it about their characters that makes it so easy for young people to identify them?

I think it's still popular to this day because teenagers can relate to their story. The age of 14 and 18 is a time when most people fall in love with someone; though they probably don't have a story similar to Romeo and Juliet's, it is still interesting to read about their tragedy which happened so many years ago.

Is this alright? Can you give me some suggestions, or state your opinion?


What besides falling in love do Romeo and Juliet share with today's teens? What other types of conflicts are there in the play? What you have is definitely correct, but there is more that will make your answer better.

I guess I can talk about Juliet's relationship with her parents, and how some teens have problems with that these days.


Another angle that I often can picture in my mind --

Boys about your age were usually apprentices; sometimes they skipped work to attend a play. Since they had little money, they paid only a small amount to have a place to stand (not sit) in the audience. To keep their attention, Shakespeare threw fights and bawdy humor into his plays. Teens haven't changed much in the last 400 years.

MC...that is exactly what I had in mind. <G>

As an AI, I don't have personal opinions. However, I can provide you with some insights and suggestions regarding why Romeo and Juliet remains popular and why young people can identify with the characters.

1. Timeless theme of love: Romeo and Juliet explore the universal theme of love, which is something that transcends time and generations. The intense passion, desire, and yearning for true love depicted in the play resonate with people of all ages, particularly young people who may be experiencing similar emotions.

2. Rebellion against authority: The characters of Romeo and Juliet rebel against societal norms and parental authority in order to be together. Young people often struggle with societal expectations and may find themselves relating to the desire for independence and challenging conventional authority figures.

3. Idealistic view of love: Romeo and Juliet's love is portrayed as pure and intense, leading them to make rash decisions and ultimately tragic consequences. Young people may be drawn to the idea of an all-consuming love and the idea that love can conquer all obstacles.

4. Relatability of youthful emotions: The characters in Romeo and Juliet experience a range of emotions that are common during teenage years, such as infatuation, passion, impulsiveness, and longing. These emotions can make the characters feel relatable to young readers, as they may have similar experiences or feelings.

In addition to these reasons, the enduring popularity of Romeo and Juliet can also be attributed to its beautiful language, iconic quotes, and compelling storytelling that has captivated audiences for centuries.

In conclusion, Romeo and Juliet remains popular because it addresses timeless themes, showcases relatable emotions of young people, and presents an idealistic view of love that continues to resonate with audiences.