What literary device is Shakespeare employing when Malcolm says, "Angels are bright still, though the brightest fell"?

Donnie, there is nothing wrong with asking for help. You should be ashamed seeing that you gave the wrong answer as well.

To answer the question, the literary device is allusion. The quote is referring to the Bible. It means that even though the greatest angel (Lucifer) "fell" (became evil) other angels are still "bright" (pure, holy). Just because one went astray doesn't mean all the others will follow.

i can’t believe the negativity surrounding this maccy b. people get things wrong okay! that’s life, english lit is all about interpretation. xxxx stay strong

Isn't this a metaphor comparing angels with stars?

This is just saying in short...The angels are still(bright..idk how to say it...kind..perfect..wise...High..mighty)even though the brightest fell. This is comparing/refering to the story of the devil in the bibble...where he was the most loved angel by god and he fell

Biblical illusion referring to Licifer the brightest angel turning evil

The literary device employed in the line "Angels are bright still, though the brightest fell" by Malcolm in Shakespeare's play Macbeth is known as antithesis. Antithesis is a figure of speech where contrasting ideas are expressed in a parallel manner. In this particular line, Malcolm contrasts the brightness or purity of angels with the fallen angel (Lucifer or Satan), who was once the brightest among them but became evil.

To determine this literary device, you can follow the following steps:

1. Read and understand the context: Read the line and the surrounding lines to comprehend the scene and the dialogue that leads to the particular statement.

2. Identify the contrasting ideas: Look for opposing or contrasting ideas expressed in a parallel structure. In this case, the contrasting ideas are the brightness/innocence of angels and the fall or evilness of the brightest angel.

3. Determine if the contrasting ideas are expressed using parallel structure: A key characteristic of antithesis is the expression of contrasting ideas in a parallel or balanced manner. Ensure that there is a clear parallel structure in the sentence or phrase.

By following these steps, you can identify the literary device of antithesis being employed in the line "Angels are bright still, though the brightest fell" spoken by Malcolm in Macbeth.