is supper a noun?


A noun is a person, place, thing or idea. (Although the idea thing confuses me.)

Can you talk to it? Hold it? Drive to it?

An idea is something we all acknowledge to be real, but you can't see it or touch it or smell it, etc. They are known as abstract nouns, such as these: truth, beauty, freedom, tragedy, joy, etc.

Concrete nouns are those you can see, touch, etc. -- man, woman, child, house, cat, building, etc. (all common nouns since they are general, not naming a particular man, woman, etc.). Other concrete nouns are proper nouns; they name specific people, places, things, and are capitalized: New York City, Janice, Paul, Kimmie, Houston High School for the Arts, etc.


Yes, "supper" is a noun. To determine if a word is a noun, you can consider its characteristics and usage.

To confirm if "supper" is a noun, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the definition: A noun is a word that identifies a person, place, thing, or idea. It can be a subject or an object in a sentence.
2. Analyze the word: "Supper" refers to the evening meal, typically eaten later in the day than "lunch" but before "bedtime."
3. Observe how it is used in a sentence: For example, "We had a delicious supper last night" or "She prepared a special supper for the family."
4. Verify its function: In both examples, "supper" is used as a noun, as it names the meal or the event taking place.
5. Conclusion: Based on the definition, usage, and function, you can conclude that "supper" is indeed a noun.

Remember, understanding the definition, observing usage, and analyzing the function of a word within a sentence can help you determine its part of speech.