what is (bssmyale)(deaicunne)

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To find the product of the expression (bssmyale)(deaicunne), we can follow the rules of multiplying algebraic expressions.

Step 1: Identify the like terms.

In this case, the expression has two terms: (bssmyale) and (deaicunne).

Step 2: Multiply the coefficients.

The coefficients are the numbers in front of the variables. However, in this case, there are no coefficients since there are no numbers before the variables.

Step 3: Multiply the variables.

To multiply the variables, we multiply the corresponding variables together. In this case, there are several different variables: b, s, s, m, y, a, l, and e in the first term, and d, e, a, i, c, u, n, and n in the second term.

So we have:

(b * d) * (s * e) * (s * a) * (m * i) * (y * c) * (a * u) * (l * n) * (e * n)

Step 4: Simplify the result.

The final step is to simplify the expression by multiplying the corresponding variables together:


Therefore, the product of the expression (bssmyale)(deaicunne) is bds^2maiycalenn.