how could you make a measurement like 3m 4 cm more precise?

measure the distance in mm.

Tye decimals. See if there's more to it, different units of measurement may help sometimes.

Try decimals. See if there's more to it, different units of measurement may help sometimes.

To make a measurement more precise, you need to include a smaller unit of measurement. In this case, you can use millimeters (mm), which is smaller than centimeters (cm).

To convert centimeters to millimeters, you need to multiply the value by 10 because there are 10 millimeters in 1 centimeter.

So, let's convert 4 cm to millimeters:

4 cm * 10 = 40 mm

Therefore, if you want to make a measurement of 3m 4cm more precise, you can convert the 4 cm to millimeters and add it to the original measurement:

3m + 40 mm

This way, your measurement becomes 3m 40mm, which is a more precise value.