One week Roger earned $425.50 regular pay and $60.50 overtime pay. His net pay for the week was $275.30. How much did he have withheld for deductions?

i don't know how to find the deduction
so far don't now if right i add
regulare pay= $425.20+$60.50=$485.70
but than do i subtract 485.70 with the net pay??

To find out how much Roger had withheld for deductions, you need to subtract his net pay from his total earnings for the week.

Here's how you can calculate it step by step:

1. Add Roger's regular pay and overtime pay together:

Regular pay = $425.50
Overtime pay = $60.50

Total earnings = Regular pay + Overtime pay

= $425.50 + $60.50

= $486.00

2. Now, subtract Roger's net pay from his total earnings:

Deductions = Total earnings - Net pay

= $486.00 - $275.30

= $210.70

So, Roger had $210.70 withheld for deductions.

To find out how much Roger had withheld for deductions, we need to subtract his net pay from his total earnings.

Total earnings = Regular pay + Overtime pay
Total earnings = $425.50 + $60.50
Total earnings = $486.00

Deductions = Total earnings - Net pay
Deductions = $486.00 - $275.30
Deductions = $210.70

Therefore, Roger had $210.70 withheld for deductions.