Part 1: Using the Library, web resources, and/or other materials, find a record-breaking temperature (in degrees Celsius) for a town or city in a country other than the United States. Include the name of the town and country along with the temperature, and what record was broken. Give the formula for converting degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit. Using the formula, show how to convert the measurement to degrees Fahrenheit.

Part 2: The equation C=mx+b can be used to model the monthly cost, C, of a cell phone plan where b is the flat monthly cost, m represents the cost in dollars per minute and x is the number of minutes used in the month. Choose a flat monthly rate and cost per minute and insert the values you have chosen for m and b into the equation. Then use this equation to find the total monthly cost, C, if 82 minutes are used.

How would you like us to help you with this assignment?

Part 1: To find a record-breaking temperature in a town or city in a country other than the United States, you can use various resources such as the library, web resources, or other materials. One reliable source is the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) which maintains official weather records.

First, you would need to access the WMO website or similar reputable weather sources. Then, you can search for record-breaking temperature data for different countries. Let's use the WMO as an example.

1. Visit the World Meteorological Organization's website ( or search for their climate data portal.
2. Look for the section or tools that provide historical weather data or records.
3. Select the country or region you are interested in and specify the time period or year range for the records.
4. Look for the highest recorded temperatures and identify the town or city where the record-breaking temperature occurred.

Let's say we find the following record-breaking temperature:

Town/City: Mitribah
Country: Kuwait
Record: Highest recorded temperature in Asia
Temperature: 54.0 degrees Celsius

To convert this temperature to degrees Fahrenheit, you can use the formula:

°F = (°C × 9/5) + 32

Now, let's apply this formula to convert the temperature to degrees Fahrenheit:

°F = (54.0 × 9/5) + 32
°F = (97.2) + 32
°F = 129.2

Therefore, the record-breaking temperature of 54.0 degrees Celsius in Mitribah, Kuwait, converts to approximately 129.2 degrees Fahrenheit.

Part 2: To model the monthly cost, C, of a cell phone plan using the equation C = mx + b, where b is the flat monthly cost, m represents the cost per minute, and x is the number of minutes used in the month, we need to assign values to b and m.

Let's assume:
Flat monthly cost (b) = $20
Cost per minute (m) = $0.25

Now, we can substitute these values into the equation and calculate the total monthly cost (C) if 82 minutes are used:

C = (m * x) + b
C = (0.25 * 82) + 20
C = 20.50 + 20
C = $40.50

Therefore, if 82 minutes are used with a flat monthly cost of $20 and a cost per minute of $0.25, the total monthly cost of the cell phone plan would be $40.50.