how do you do front end estimation when the number of digits are

12,249 - 6,875


wat are the poperties of math and what do they all mean?????????

i need help in my homework

I haven't used the expression "front end" estimation but I would simply round 12,249 to 12,000 and subtract 7,000 to obtain about 5,000. The actual number is 5,374.

how do you do equiaelent fractions without fraction bars?

You can just multiply the top and bottom # my the same # to get an equiveilent fraction. EG: 1/2
1 * 6=6
2 * 6=12
You new fraction is 6/12! hope this helps!

on a particlar day, 1 euro wasworth 0.96975 u.s. dollar .How much was 1.00 worth in euros on that day ? Give your answer to the nearest hundred thousdth ?

I wouldn't use frontend estimation. I would round it to 12,000-7,000 getting 5,000.

do i halt to pay for this

i still dnt get it

To find out how much 1 US dollar was worth in euros on that particular day, you can divide 1.00 by the exchange rate, which is 0.96975.

1.00 / 0.96975 = 1.03183

So, 1 US dollar was worth approximately 1.03183 euros on that day.

To give the answer to the nearest hundred thousandth, you would look at the digit in the hundred thousandth place, which is the fourth digit after the decimal point.

In this case, the digit is 8. Since it is greater than or equal to 5, you would round up the previous digit.

Therefore, 1 US dollar was worth approximately 1.0318 euros to the nearest hundred thousandth.