I'm having trouble with this question.

Some __ objects emit no visible light but are known through __ and radio images; satellite observations __ Earth's atmosphere help scientist study space at wavelengths that do not reach Earth's surface.

If you can answer it, I would appreciate it.

cold; infrared; above the

Thanks! I highly appreciate it!

Sure! Let's break down the question and gather the necessary information to find the answer.

The question describes objects that emit no visible light but are known through other means. It also mentions satellite observations and studying space at wavelengths that do not reach Earth's surface.

To find the answer, we need to identify objects that emit no visible light and can be observed using other methods.

The keyword clues in the question are "no visible light," "known through," "radio images," and "satellite observations."

Based on these clues, we can conclude that the objects being referred to are celestial objects that emit non-visible light, such as radio waves or other wavelengths. These objects can only be observed using radio images and satellite observations.

Therefore, the answer to the question is likely celestial objects like black holes, nebulae, or distant galaxies that emit non-visible light.

Remember, it is always important to carefully analyze the question, pay attention to keyword clues, and use logical reasoning to arrive at the correct answer.