what can be my topic for this college essay?

Write an essay about yourself and the events in your life which have made a difference in the way you view yourself and others.

You've been given the topic.

like how should i start it off to make it interesting

Write the introduction last.

Start by making an outline of facts about yourself that fit the criteria for this essay. Write a thesis sentence that incorporates these facts. Then write the body of the paper. Finally write the conclusion and the introduction. By that time a good opening sentence should occur to you.

Please answer it

Choosing a topic for your college essay is an important step in the writing process. To find a suitable topic for this particular essay prompt, you need to reflect on your own experiences and consider events that have had a significant impact on your self-perception and your understanding of others. Here are a few steps you can take to help you choose the right topic:

1. Self-reflection: Take some time to think about moments in your life that have shaped the way you see yourself and others. Consider situations that were transformative, challenging, or eye-opening. Ask yourself: What were the most memorable experiences that influenced my personal growth? What events caused me to question my beliefs or perspective on life?

2. Brainstorming: Once you have reflected on your experiences, jot down a list of potential events or situations that come to mind. Don't worry about organizing or filtering them at this stage – aim for quantity over quality.

3. Narrowing down: Review your list of potential topics and identify the events or experiences that resonate with you the most. Look for those that align closely with the essay prompt and have the potential to showcase personal growth or lessons learned.

4. Standout moments: Consider which events left a lasting impact on the way you view yourself and others. It could be a moment of triumph, overcoming adversity, a personal revelation, or an encounter that challenged your preconceived notions.

5. Complexity and depth: Look for topics that allow you to delve into the complexities of your experiences. Can you explore multiple perspectives, address contradictions, or discuss how your views may have evolved over time?

Remember, the goal of this essay is to share a personal story that highlights your growth and self-awareness. Choose a topic that is meaningful to you, showcases your unique experiences, and gives the reader insight into how these events have shaped your worldview. You may also want to consider selecting a topic that stands out from typical responses to make your essay more memorable and engaging for the admissions officers.