Mein Mitbewohner hat alles umgestellt! Gestern waren die Musikbozen hinter (1)_____ Sofa. Aber Jurgen hat sie unter (2)____ Tisch gestellt. Das Telefon war auf (3)_____ Tisch. Aber Juergen hat es an (4)____ Wand gehaengt. Die Pflanze war in (5)_______ Ecke, aber jetzt ist sie auf (6)_____ Schreibtisch.


i just need help with which will go in which..having so much trouble with these. if you can explain why and how it works, thatd be great thank you.

Mein Mitbewohner hat alles umgestellt! Gestern waren die Musikbozen hinter (1)_dem_ Sofa. Aber Jurgen hat sie unter (2)_den_ Tisch gestellt. Das Telefon war auf (3)_dem_ Tisch. Aber Juergen hat es an (4)_die_ Wand gehaengt. Die Pflanze war in (5)_der_ Ecke, aber jetzt ist sie auf (6)_dem_ Schreibtisch.


thank you. is there anyway you can tutor me/ help me online with my german?

please let me know

My specialty is math.

There are several tutors occasionally on line who speak German.
I know German since it is my mother-tounge, but if you ask me for the rules, I wouldn't know them.
I just know it sounds correct for the above choices.

We do not tutor individual students as such. All tutors on this website are volunteers and do it without pay. If you have questions, just post them and if a tutor is on line you usually will get a reply.

The word that has to be used for "the" in German depends upon both the type of preposition that it follows, and gender of the noun that follows it. It can also depend upon how a thing got where it is, which makes no sense to me and is hard to explain. Your grammar text should have the rules; I never could learn them all.

My German wife assures me that the following answers are correct:
(1) hinter dem Sofa
(2) unter den Tisch
(3) auf dem Tisch
(4) an die Wand
(5) in der Ecke
(6) auf dem Schreibtisch

I apologize for my delay in answering, and am glad that my answers agree with Reiny. It took me four hours to get my wife to help me; by then Reiny had posted his answer already.

To determine which pronouns to use in the blanks, you need to consider the gender and case of the nouns they refer to.

1. Since "Sofa" is neuter (das Sofa), you should use "das" which corresponds to option c. "das" is the definite article for neuter nouns in the accusative case.

2. The word "Tisch" is masculine (der Tisch), so you should use the pronoun that corresponds to the dative case for masculine nouns. The suitable pronoun is "dem," which matches with option b.

3. "Tisch" is still masculine, but in this case, it is in a different grammatical context called the prepositional case. The word "auf" requires the dative case, so you should use "dem" again (option b).

4. "Wand" is feminine (die Wand) and is in the accusative case. The correct pronoun is "die," which corresponds to option d.

5. "Ecke" is also feminine (die Ecke) and in the dative case. The appropriate pronoun is "der," corresponding to option a.

6. "Schreibtisch" is masculine (der Schreibtisch) and in the accusative case. The right pronoun to use is "den" (option a).

So the correct answers are:

1. c. das
2. b. dem
3. b. dem
4. d. die
5. a. den
6. a. den

Remember that gender and case play a significant role in determining which pronouns to use in German.