
is that a word?

Yes. Filibustering is the present participle of the verb filibuster.

Filibuster is also a noun. The speech itself, or the process of filibustering, is the filibuster.

It is a procedure unique to the U.S Senate, where a 60% vote is currently required to stop a debate that can go on forever, as long as the other 40% are willing and able to talk. It used to require a 2/3 vote, enabling the southern senators (mostly) managed to forestall civil rights legislation for about 100 years.

thank you guys!

Yes, "filibustering" is indeed a word. It refers to a legislative tactic where a person or a group of people use prolonged speeches, procedural delays, or other obstructive actions to prevent a bill from being voted on or gaining passage in a legislative body.

To verify whether a word exists or not, you can use several resources. One of the most common ways is to consult a dictionary. Online dictionaries such as Merriam-Webster or Oxford English Dictionary can be helpful in looking up the definitions and information about words. Additionally, you can search on search engines like Google to find reputable sources and examples of the word being used in different contexts.