Which value of Keq indicates most favorability of product formation, Keq = 1 * 10^12, Keq= 1.5 or Keq= 5.6 * 10^-4?

1.10 ^12

To determine the most favorable value of Keq for product formation, we need to understand that Keq represents the equilibrium constant and provides information about the equilibrium position of a chemical reaction.

In general, a Keq value greater than 1 indicates that the reaction is product-favored or favors the formation of products. On the other hand, a Keq value less than 1 indicates that the reaction is reactant-favored or favors the formation of reactants.

Let's compare the given values of Keq to determine the most favorable one:

1. Keq = 1 * 10^12: This value is significantly larger than 1, indicating a highly product-favored reaction. The equilibrium position lies far to the right, favoring the formation of products.

2. Keq = 1.5: This value is slightly greater than 1, indicating a mild product-favored reaction. The equilibrium position is slightly shifted towards products but not as strongly as in the previous case.

3. Keq = 5.6 * 10^-4: This value is less than 1, indicating a reactant-favored reaction. The equilibrium position lies far to the left, favoring the formation of reactants.

Therefore, Keq = 1 * 10^12 indicates the most favorability of product formation among the given options.

To determine which value of Keq indicates the most favorability of product formation, we need to understand what Keq represents. Keq is the equilibrium constant for a chemical reaction and it indicates the ratio of product concentrations to reactant concentrations at equilibrium.

In general, when Keq is large, it suggests that the reaction strongly favors product formation. On the other hand, when Keq is small, it indicates that the reaction favors reactant formation.

Let's compare the three given values of Keq:

1) Keq = 1 * 10^12
2) Keq = 1.5
3) Keq = 5.6 * 10^-4

Among these three values, the largest value of Keq is 1 * 10^12. This implies that the reaction strongly favors product formation because a large Keq indicates a significant concentration of products relative to reactants at equilibrium.

Therefore, the value of Keq = 1 * 10^12 indicates the most favorability of product formation.