is 1 nm is equal to 0.000000001?

how would you write 0.15 nm in standard form?

how would you write 565 nm in normal numbers?

how would you write 590 nm in normal numbers?


Yes, 1 nm = 0.000000001 m

As far as I know, all of the above are standard or normal form, using nm as the unit.

Here are some common metric prefixes, symbols and the corresponding multiplicative factors that may help you:

tera (t)- 1,000,000,000
mega (m) - 1,000,000
kilo (k) - 1,000
milli (m) - 1/1,000
micro (μ) - 1/1,000,000
nano (n) - 1/1,000,000,000

For example,
1 ns = 0.000 000 001 second
1 mm = 0.001 metre
1 mb = 1,000,000 bytes
(note: sometimes mb is used to mean 1,048,576 bytes, equal to 220 bytes).

for the last two questions i meant decimal form, im so confused

You probably meant in "decimal metres".

565 nm = 0.000 000 565 metre

Notice that I have used a "space" as a digital group separator. Depending on the context, a comma is more commonly used in U.S. while the space is recommended by the ISO.

To convert between units, you typically multiply or divide by the appropriate conversion factor. In this case, to convert nanometers (nm) to standard form or normal numbers, we need to understand that 1 nanometer is equal to 0.000000001 (or 1 × 10^-9).

To write 0.15 nm in standard form, we multiply 0.15 by the conversion factor 1 nm = 0.000000001, which gives us:
0.15 nm × 0.000000001 = 0.00000000015
So, 0.15 nm in standard form is 0.00000000015.

To write 565 nm in normal numbers, we multiply 565 by the conversion factor 1 nm = 0.000000001, which gives us:
565 nm × 0.000000001 = 0.000000565
So, 565 nm in normal numbers is 0.000000565.

To write 590 nm in normal numbers, we again multiply 590 by the conversion factor 1 nm = 0.000000001, which gives us:
590 nm × 0.000000001 = 0.00000059
So, 590 nm in normal numbers is 0.00000059.

Remember that these answers are in scientific notation or standard form, which makes it easier to represent very large or very small numbers by using powers of 10.