For ms.sue when u did the problem 3(4-x)-22=x+48 u got the answer -14.5 if u try tocheck the answer it will be wrong

i need help on these problems
( 5x-2)-(6-2x)=-x-9+5x

Actually Ms. Sue did do it right

3 (4-- 14.5) - 22 =
3 (4 + 14.5)- 22 = 33.5

-14.5 + 48 = 33.5

Ok for the second one has no solution because it always comes up with the same number for x.

The third problem is x = -15

thank you

welcome, no problem

To solve the equation 3(4-x)-22=x+48, follow these steps:

Step 1: Distribute the 3 to both terms inside the parentheses:
3 * 4 - 3 * x - 22 = x + 48
12 - 3x - 22 = x + 48

Step 2: Combine like terms on both sides of the equation:
-3x - 10 = x + 48

Step 3: Move all the x terms to one side of the equation by adding 3x to both sides:
-10 = 4x + 48

Step 4: Move the constant term to the other side of the equation by subtracting 48 from both sides:
-58 = 4x

Step 5: Solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 4:
x = -58 / 4

Step 6: Simplify the fraction, if necessary:
x = -14.5

Now, to check if the answer is correct, substitute the value of x back into the original equation:
3(4-(-14.5))-22 = (-14.5)+48

3(4 + 14.5) - 22 = -14.5 + 48
3(18.5) - 22 = 33.5

55.5 - 22 = 33.5
33.5 = 33.5

The equation is true, which means x = -14.5 is the correct solution.

Let's move on to the next equation: (x-3)-(2x+5)=2x-7-3x

Step 1: Distribute the negative sign to the terms inside the second parentheses:
x - 3 - 2x - 5 = 2x - 7 - 3x

Step 2: Combine like terms on both sides of the equation:
-x - 8 = -x - 7

Step 3: Move all the x terms to one side of the equation by adding x to both sides:
-8 = -7

Step 4: The equation simplifies to -8 = -7, but this is not true.

Therefore, there is no solution to this equation.

Moving on to the final equation: (5x-2)-(6-2x) = -x - 9 + 5x

Step 1: Distribute the negative sign to the terms inside the second parentheses:
5x - 2 - 6 + 2x = -x - 9 + 5x

Step 2: Combine like terms on both sides of the equation:
7x - 8 = 4x - 9

Step 3: Move all the x terms to one side of the equation by subtracting 4x from both sides:
7x - 4x - 8 = -9

Step 4: Combine like terms on both sides of the equation:
3x - 8 = -9

Step 5: Move the constant term to the other side of the equation by adding 8 to both sides:
3x = -1

Step 6: Solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 3:
x = -1 / 3

This is the final solution to the equation (5x-2)-(6-2x) = -x - 9 + 5x.