In, 1914 how many European nations controlled territory in Africa?

To find out how many European nations controlled territory in Africa in 1914, you can follow these steps:

1. Research the historical context: Start by understanding the history leading up to 1914. During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, European powers engaged in the "Scramble for Africa," a period of intense colonization and annexation of African territories.

2. Identify the major European powers: In order to determine the number of European nations involved, take note of the major European powers of the time. These include Britain, France, Germany, Portugal, Italy, Spain, Belgium, and the Netherlands.

3. Examine historical sources: Consult historical sources, such as books, academic articles, and online archives, that focus on the topic of European colonization in Africa during the period leading up to 1914. These sources often provide details about the specific territories controlled by each European nation.

4. Cross-reference information: Compare the information gathered from different sources to verify accuracy and build a comprehensive understanding. Keep in mind that some territories may have been disputed or shared among multiple European nations, complicating the final count.

By following these steps, you should be able to find the answer to your question. However, it is worth noting that the exact number may vary depending on the source since historical accounts may differ on specific details.