i have to write a literary analysis for the poem, "the tide rises, the tide falls". in the poem ive chosen write abt two elements, imagery and symbolism. and ive to analyse their purpose, effect, and place in the literary work's meaning.

thus im just asking where can i get more insight and info for my essay. and could you explain what they mean by saying, analyse their purpose, effect, and place in the literary work's meaning".

This is an excellent example of imagery.

"The little waves, with their soft, white hands

Efface the footprints in the sands,"

This is personification of the waves. They want you to explain how this type of imagery would make clearer the meaning of the poem.

The poem for anyone who needs it.

The tide rises, the tide falls,
The twilight darkens, the curlew calls;
Along the sea-sands damp and brown
The traveler hastens toward the town,
And the tide rises, the tide falls.

Darkness settles on roofs and walls,
But the sea, the sea in the darkness calls;
The little waves, with their soft, white hands,
Efface the footprints in the sands,
And the tide rises, the tide falls.

The morning breaks; the steeds in their stalls
Stamp and neigh, as the hostler calls;
The day returns, but nevermore
Returns the traveler to the shore,
And the tide rises, the tide falls.

They are asking you to explain how the imagery helps the reader understand what the poem is about.

alright....getting a hang of it.....is there any site that could help me understanding more this poem and its imagery and symbolism?

Yes. The one I gave you in response to your other duplicate post.

duplicate post? of this question or another question???

oh i got it! thanx!!!!

To gather more insight and information for your essay on the poem "The Tide Rises, the Tide Falls," you can follow these steps:

1. Read the poem carefully: Start by closely reading the poem multiple times to develop a deep understanding of its themes, imagery, and symbolism. Highlight or make notes about any elements that stand out to you.

2. Conduct research: Look for literary analysis essays, articles, or critiques written by experts or scholars. You can search for reputable sources online, such as literary databases, scholarly journals, or academic books. These sources will provide you with different perspectives and interpretations of the poem, which can help you develop your own analysis.

3. Consult literary resources: Utilize credible literary resources that discuss techniques like imagery and symbolism in poetry. For example, literary theory books or websites could provide a broader understanding of these elements and how they contribute to the overall meaning of a literary work.

4. Consider historical context: Investigate the historical context surrounding the poem, including the author's background, any societal or cultural influences, or significant events during that time period. Understanding the context in which the poem was written can deepen your analysis and interpretation.

5. Analyze purpose, effect, and place in meaning: When the prompt asks you to analyze the purpose, effect, and place of imagery and symbolism in the literary work's meaning, it means discussing these elements in relation to the overall message or theme of the poem.

Purpose: Identify what the poet intended to convey by using specific imagery or symbolism. Examine how these techniques contribute to the poem's overall purpose or message. For example, the purpose of certain imagery may be to create a specific mood or atmosphere, while symbolism may be used to represent abstract concepts or themes.

Effect: Analyze the impact that the imagery and symbolism have on the reader. Consider how they enhance the reader's understanding or emotional response to the poem. Reflect on the specific emotions, ideas, or thoughts that are evoked through these techniques.

Place in meaning: Reflect on the significance of imagery and symbolism within the broader context of the poem's meaning. Explore how these elements contribute to the exploration of the poem's themes, concepts, or ideas. Consider how they interact with other literary devices or elements to create a layered and nuanced meaning.

By following these steps and incorporating the analysis of purpose, effect, and place in meaning, you can write a comprehensive and insightful literary analysis of "The Tide Rises, the Tide Falls" that explores the imagery and symbolism within the poem.

yall lame