a. What type of information does managerial accounting provide?

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Managerial accounting provides the following types of information:

1. Cost Information: Managerial accounting provides cost information to analyze and control the various costs associated with a company's operations. This includes direct costs (such as raw materials and labor) and indirect costs (such as overhead expenses).

2. Budgeting Information: Managerial accounting helps in preparing budgets, which are essential for planning and controlling a company's activities. This includes information about projected revenues, expenses, and cash flow for a specific period.

3. Performance Measurement: Managerial accounting provides information to measure the performance of different departments, products, or projects within a company. This includes financial ratios, key performance indicators (KPIs), and variance analysis to evaluate the efficiency and profitability of operations.

4. Decision-Making Support: Managerial accounting provides relevant information to aid managers in making informed decisions. This includes analysis of costs and benefits associated with various alternatives, assessing the impact of decisions on profitability, and conducting sensitivity analysis to evaluate potential risks.

5. Strategic Planning: Managerial accounting assists in long-term strategic planning by providing information about market trends, competitor analysis, and financial forecasts. It helps to devise strategies and set goals aligned with the company's overall objectives.

To obtain this information, managerial accountants rely on various techniques such as cost analysis, budgeting and forecasting, performance evaluation, and management reports. They use financial and non-financial data gathered from within the company and external sources to generate reports and communicate relevant information to key stakeholders.