

I am told that my answer is
wrong, can you help me
(1.24, -3.44)

Whoever told you that you were wrong, copy this and show them

if x=1.24, y=-3.44

LS = 5(1.24) + 5(-3.44)
= 6.2 - 17.2
= -11
= RS

equation #2
LS = 7(1.24) - 3(-3.44)
= 8.68 + 10.32
= 19
= RS

Trust yourself !!

Multiply both sides of the the last equation by 5/3, to give

11.667 x - 5y = 31.667
Add that to the first equation and you get
16.667x = 20.667
x = 1.24
y = (7x-19)/3 = -3.44

If that was your answer, rounded off to three significant figures, then you are correct.

To solve the given system of equations:

Equation 1: 5x + 5y = -11
Equation 2: 7x - 3y = 19

There are several methods you can use to solve this system of equations. One common method is called the substitution method, where you solve one equation for one variable and substitute the result into the other equation. Here's how you can solve it using the substitution method:

Step 1: Solve one equation for one variable.
Let's solve Equation 1 for x:
5x + 5y = -11
5x = -11 - 5y
x = (-11 - 5y) / 5
x = (-11/5) - (5/5)y
x = (-11/5) - y

Step 2: Substitute the expression for x into the other equation.
Now, substitute the expression for x into Equation 2:
7((-11/5) - y) - 3y = 19
(-77/5) - 7y - 3y = 19
(-77/5) - 10y = 19
-10y = 19 + (77/5)
-10y = 19 + (77/5)
-10y = (95/5) + (77/5)
-10y = 172/5
y = (172/5) / -10
y = -34/5

Step 3: Find the value of the other variable.
Now that we have the value of y, we can substitute it back into Equation 1 to find the value of x:
5x + 5(-34/5) = -11
5x - 34 = -11
5x = -11 + 34
5x = 23
x = 23/5

Step 4: Write the solution as an ordered pair.
Therefore, the solution to the system of equations is (x, y) = (23/5, -34/5), which in decimal form is approximately (4.6, -6.8).

It seems that the answer you provided, (1.24, -3.44), does not match the solution to the system of equations. Double-check your calculations or re-evaluate the problem to verify if you made any mistakes during the solving process.