In the ameba it allows movement, but in the paramecium it distributes nutrients and other key metabolic processess. Please read the above link.

Cytoplasmic streaming, also known as cytoplasmic circulation or protoplasmic streaming, is a phenomenon observed in single-celled organisms like Paramecium. It refers to the movement of the cytoplasm, the fluid inside the cell, along with its various cell organelles, such as mitochondria or vesicles.

In Paramecium, cytoplasmic streaming is essential for various cellular functions. Here's a brief description of how it works:

1. The cytoplasmic streaming in Paramecium is propelled by the coordinated beating of many hair-like structures called cilia, which extend from the cell's surface into the surrounding fluid medium.

2. These cilia move synchronously, creating a flow of cytoplasm in a circular or spiral path within the cell. This streaming can be observed under a microscope.

3. As the cytoplasm moves, it carries along with it various organelles, such as food vacuoles containing ingested particles, mitochondria, and vesicles. This movement helps distribute nutrients, enzymes, and other cellular components to different regions within the cell.

4. Cytoplasmic streaming also aids in the exchange of gases, such as oxygen and carbon dioxide, within the cell.

5. Moreover, this movement of cytoplasm helps in the removal of waste materials, as it propels the waste-containing vacuoles toward the excretory pore, where they are expelled from the cell.

The benefit of cytoplasmic streaming in Paramecium lies in its ability to ensure efficient distribution of nutrients, organelles, and waste materials throughout the cell. This circulation helps to maintain cellular homeostasis by ensuring that essential components reach where they are needed and that waste materials are properly eliminated.

For further information, you can refer to the provided link which explains cytoplasmic streaming in more detail.