i am lost. do you have sites i could look at as an example or anything

Scooby -- I urge you to talk to the principal at a nearby middle school. Please ask permission to sit in on some reading or language arts classes. Watch how the kids read and what the teacher does. Do this for several class periods. Talk with the teacher about her class and how she's teaching them. Read some of the materials that the students are reading.

You may not feel so lost after you spend some time in a school.

i think i am going to try and find some info on the 2 stages i picked then put it together

Absolutely! When you're looking for examples or resources online, there are several websites you can refer to depending on what you need. Here are a few popular options:

1. GitHub (https://github.com/): GitHub is a platform where developers upload and share their code repositories. You can search for specific programming languages or projects to find real-life examples.

2. CodePen (https://codepen.io/): CodePen is an online community for front-end developers. You can browse through a vast collection of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code snippets to see live examples and experiment with them.

3. Stack Overflow (https://stackoverflow.com/): Stack Overflow is a popular Q&A website for programmers. It contains a wealth of questions and answers on various programming topics. You can search for specific problems or browse through related threads to find insights and examples.

4. W3Schools (https://www.w3schools.com/): W3Schools is a comprehensive web development resource. It provides tutorials, references, and examples for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other technologies commonly used in web development.

5. Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) (https://developer.mozilla.org/): MDN is a reliable source of web development documentation and examples. It covers HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and various web APIs, offering detailed explanations and code snippets.

Remember, these websites are just a starting point. Exploring forums, blogs, online courses, and YouTube tutorials can also provide valuable examples and insights.