In Milton Gorton's theory of assimilation, the crucial step is from

a. Integration to acculteration
b. Acculteration to integration
c. Assimilation to plurism
d. Anglo-conformity to the melting pot
e. Integration to intermarriage

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the key steps in Milton Gorton's theory of assimilation. Here's how you can work it out:

1. First, research Milton Gorton's theory of assimilation to gain a better understanding of his ideas and the steps involved. Look for reliable sources such as scholarly articles, books, or reputable websites.

2. Review the different steps involved in assimilation. In Gorton's theory, assimilation typically involves several stages or steps, which may vary depending on the specific model. Look for keywords and concepts associated with these steps.

3. Examine each option presented in the question to see which one corresponds to the crucial step mentioned in Milton Gorton's theory of assimilation.

In this case, the crucial step mentioned in the question is from "Integration" to "Acculturation."

Comparing it to the options provided:
a. Integration to acculturation - Matches the crucial step mentioned in the question.
b. Acculturation to integration - Reverses the order, so it is not the correct answer.
c. Assimilation to pluralism - Different terms are used, so it is not the correct answer.
d. Anglo-conformity to the melting pot - Refers to a different concept, so it is not the correct answer.
e. Integration to intermarriage - Refers to a different concept, so it is not the correct answer.

Therefore, the correct answer is option a. Integration to acculturation.