Laws on miscegentation referred to laws that a. Prevented people from passing as menbers to another race

b. Prevented people of different races from eating together in public restaurants
c. Prevented members of different races from intermarrying
d. Prevented members of different races from going to the same schools
e. Prevented members of the same sex from marrying

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The correct answer is c. Prevented members of different races from intermarrying.

Miscegenation refers to the interbreeding or mixing of different racial groups, especially through marriage. Laws on miscegenation, also known as anti-miscegenation laws, were a set of legal restrictions that were imposed in various countries, states, or regions to prohibit interracial relationships, specifically marriage, cohabitation, or sexual relations between individuals from different racial backgrounds.

To determine the correct answer, you could have recognized the term "miscegenation" as referring to interracial relationships or mixed-race marriages. Then, by looking at the options, you would have identified that option c specifically addresses laws preventing members of different races from intermarrying, which is the definition of miscegenation laws.