Where can I find the percentages of uncollectabes for PepsiCo? I have looked at the annual report atleast 20 times. Please Help. Thanks

To find the percentage of uncollectables for PepsiCo, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by visiting the official website of PepsiCo. You can search for it on any search engine or directly type "www.pepsico.com" in your web browser's address bar.

2. Look for the "Investors" or "Investor Relations" section on the website. It is typically located in the top menu or the footer of the page. Click on that section.

3. Within the Investor Relations section, you will usually find a variety of resources such as financial reports, annual reports, and presentations. Look for the "Annual Reports" category and click on it.

4. Once you are on the Annual Reports page, navigate to the specific year's report you are interested in. Click on the link to access that report.

5. Look for the relevant section in the annual report that discusses financial statements or financial performance. This section may be called "Financial Highlights," "Financials," or something similar.

6. Within the financial statements section, you will want to focus on the balance sheet or income statement. Uncollectables are typically listed under a category such as "Accounts Receivable" or "Allowance for Doubtful Accounts." The exact wording may vary.

7. To find the percentage of uncollectables, you will need to locate the specific figures for both uncollectables and total accounts receivable or sales. Calculate the percentage by dividing the uncollectables figure by the total accounts receivable or sales figure and multiplying by 100.

If, after reviewing the annual report multiple times, you are unable to find the exact percentage of uncollectables, it is possible that the report does not provide this specific information. In such cases, you may need to explore other resources, such as investor presentations, analysts' reports, or consult financial databases to find the desired data.

Remember that financial information may vary from year to year, so make sure you are referring to the correct annual report that covers the period you are interested in.