silent is to deafening as microspic is to?

Silent and deafening are antonyms.

Check this site for antonyms of microscopic.

large or big

To find the word that is analogous to "deafening" in the same way that "silent" is to "deafening," we need to identify a word that represents an extreme or intense level of "microspic."

First, let's clarify the meaning of "microspic." The word "microspic" is not commonly used in English. It seems to be a misspelling or an uncommon variant of the word "microscopic," which means extremely small or tiny.

Given that "microscopic" represents something that is extremely small, we can look for a word that represents something at the other end of the spectrum—an extreme or intense version of smallness. One word that fits this description is "minuscule."

Therefore, the word analogous to "deafening" in the same way that "silent" is to "deafening" is "minuscule."