what are some factors that promoted industrial growth in the US??? And what kind of graphic organizer should I use to show this???

These sites will give you some ideas on post Civil War industrial development




Some of the factors I can think of include the rise in immigration that provided cheap labor, development of electricity, completion of the Transcontinental Railroad in 1869, a huge nation with many natural resources, invention of automobiles and trucks, improvements in the telegraph system, and the telephone.

Check this site for ideas for a graphic organizer.


There were several factors that promoted industrial growth in the United States during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Some of these factors include:

1. Technological advancements: The development of new technologies, such as the steam engine, the telegraph, and later the electrical power grid, greatly enhanced industrial production and efficiency.
To find more factors, you can do some research using reputable sources such as books, scholarly articles, or reliable websites.

As for the graphic organizer, there are various options you can use to visually represent the factors that promoted industrial growth. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Venn diagram: Use a Venn diagram to identify and compare different factors that contributed to industrial growth. For example, you can divide the diagram into two or three overlapping circles to represent factors like technological advancements, access to resources, and governmental policies.

2. Flowchart: Create a flowchart to demonstrate the cause-and-effect relationships between different factors. This can help visualize the sequence of events that led to industrial growth in the United States.

3. Mind map: Create a mind map to display the various factors promoting industrial growth as interconnected branches or nodes. This can help you see the relationships and connections between different factors.

Ultimately, the choice of the graphic organizer depends on your personal preference and how you want to organize and present the information.