Help please. 2)according to many social scientists,adolescence ends for most people? A.when the physcial and intellectual changes of puberty have occurred. the time the person reaches age 20. C.when they're most comfortable with and have a clear understanding of who they are. D.when they become independent from their parents. 3)someone who has a strong ego identity? A)is confident about his or her future goals and plans. B)only thinks of himself or herself,and rarely considers the feelings of others. C)is comfortable with the type of person he or she is. D)feels that he or she is worthwhile. 10)when setting guidelines or rules for children and then enforcing them,the best advice is to? A)have several discipline measures in mind for consequences of misbehavior. B)have children help determine the rules whenever possible. C)post the rules in the room for everyone to see. D)give children three chances or “strikes"before taking disciplinary action. 16)the best “measure"that a person has achieved high self-esteem is? A)a record of strong academic performance. B)confidence in social situations. C)self-sufficiency. D)strong family relationships. 19)through his research,Dr.Stanley Coopersmith determined that a person's “sense of self" consists of three components.which one of the three is identified below? A)personality. B)physical appearance. C)liking oneself D)financial wealth

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2) To determine when adolescence ends for most people, according to social scientists, you would need to refer to studies or research conducted by these scientists. You can search for scholarly articles or books on adolescence or development psychology to find the information. Look for reputable sources from experts in the field to get accurate and reliable information.

3) To understand what traits someone with a strong ego identity possesses, you can refer to psychological theories focused on identity development. One theory that might be relevant here is Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development. According to Erikson, a strong ego identity means being comfortable with the type of person one is. It goes beyond thinking only of oneself and also includes consideration for others. It involves being confident about future goals and plans, as well as feeling a sense of self-worth.

10) When it comes to setting guidelines or rules for children and enforcing them, the best advice can vary depending on various factors such as the child's age and temperament. However, research suggests that involving children in rule-making processes whenever possible can be beneficial. This can help them understand the rules better and take ownership of their actions. It's also important to have consistent consequences for misbehavior, rather than giving multiple chances or "strikes" before taking action. Posting the rules in the room can act as a visual reminder but should not be the sole method of enforcement.

16) Determining whether a person has achieved high self-esteem is not straightforward as it can be influenced by various factors. However, some indicators of high self-esteem might include confidence in social situations, a record of strong academic performance, self-sufficiency, and strong family relationships. These factors might contribute to a person's overall sense of self-worth and confidence.

19) Dr. Stanley Coopersmith's research on a person's "sense of self" identified three components. It is important to refer to the specific study or research by Dr. Coopersmith to get detailed information. However, one of the components mentioned is liking oneself. Dr. Coopersmith's research may have explored additional components such as self-concept or self-esteem. To get accurate information, you can refer to the original research or scholarly articles that summarize Dr. Coopersmith's findings.