every row and column contains the same numbers and the same math signs, but they are arranged in a different order each time. can you find the correct order to arrive at the finals totals shown.

only using 4 8 3 5 and * + - to make

31 15 20 21 9 17 11 27 ...but you only can use the symbos and numbers once...please...help...me...:( :( :(
please help me :(



Of course, I'll be happy to help you find the correct order to achieve the given final totals. Let's go step by step.

Since we are asked to use the numbers 4, 8, 3, and 5, and the mathematical symbols +, -, and *, and each row and column should contain the same numbers and math signs, we need to find a combination that satisfies these conditions.

To begin, let's try to find the order for the first row, which should sum up to 31.

1. Start by placing the highest number, 8, in the first position.
So far, the arrangement looks like: 8 _ _ _

2. Now, we need to decide which math sign should be placed in each blank. Since we need to use all three math signs, we can try different combinations.
One possible combination is: 8 + - *

3. Moving on to the second position, since the sum should be 31, we need to find a combination that adds up to 23 (31 - 8). We can use the remaining numbers and math signs for this.

4. Placing 5 in the second position leaves us with two blanks.
The arrangement so far: 8 5 _ _

5. Similarly to step 2, let's try different combinations for the math signs.
One possible combination is: 8 5 + *

6. With two blanks remaining and two numbers left, we can place 3 and 4 in any order.
The arrangement now becomes: 8 5 + 3 4

7. Lastly, we need to decide on the math sign for the last blank. Since we have used + and * in the previous positions, the remaining sign should be - to maintain consistency.
The final arrangement for the first row is:
8 5 + 3 4 -

Now, we can apply the same process to find the order for the second row, which should sum up to 15.

1. Start by considering the available numbers: 4, 3, and 5. Since 8 was already used in the first row, we cannot use it in the same column.
Let's place 4 in the first position: 4 _ _ _

2. Trying different math sign combinations, one possible choice is: 4 - + *

3. Next, consider the remaining numbers, 3 and 5, and decide on the order.
Suppose we place 5 in the second position: 4 5 _ _

4. Trying different math sign combinations for the remaining blank, one possible choice is: 4 5 * -

5. Lastly, place 3 in the remaining position: 4 5 * 3 -

The final arrangement for the second row is:
4 5 * 3 -

Similarly, you can proceed to find the arrangement for the remaining rows using the same methodology. Remember that each row and column must contain the same numbers and math signs, but the order can be different.

I hope this helps you find the correct order to arrive at the given final totals.