Choose two of the following types of displays: dot plots, stem and leaf plots, histographs, pictographs, line plots, or circle graphs. In which situations is it appropriate to display data using each type you selected? When is it inappropriate to use the data displays you selected?

Which are you selecting?

Two types of displays that can be chosen are dot plots and histograms.

Dot plots:
- Dot plots are appropriate when you want to display the distribution of numerical data and compare individual data points. They work well with smaller datasets and are particularly useful in showing the spread and clustering of data. Dot plots are especially useful when you want to see the frequency and density of specific values in the data.

Inappropriate situations for dot plots:
- Dot plots may not be suitable when dealing with large datasets as the density of dots may become overwhelming and difficult to interpret. They are also not ideal when precise values or measurements are required, as dot plots are more useful for displaying general trends and central tendencies.

- Histograms are useful when you want to display the distribution of numerical data in continuous intervals or intervals of equal width. They provide a visual representation of the frequency or count of data points falling within each interval, allowing you to identify patterns such as the shape of the distribution, central tendency, and outliers. Histograms are commonly used for analyzing large datasets.

Inappropriate situations for histograms:
- Histograms may not be suitable when dealing with categorical or qualitative data. They are designed to display the distribution of numerical data, so trying to use them for non-numerical data could lead to misinterpretation. Additionally, histograms may not present enough detail for analyzing small datasets, as they rely on aggregating data into intervals rather than displaying individual data points.

It's important to select the appropriate data display based on the type of data you have and the specific insights you want to convey.