is this phrase is noun, adverb or adjectective.

1. from our planet
2. formed in 1961
3. on the endangerered list
4. slowly down the rate of extinction
5. to supprt these efforts
6. with endangerered species
7. to make changes
8. saving endangered spieces
9. for the economy

We can't tell how these phrases are used in a sentence without the complete sentence.

Please post the complete sentences and tell us how you think these phrases are used. Then we'll be glad to correct them if necessary.

To determine whether a phrase is a noun, adverb, or adjective, we need to understand the function of the phrase in the sentence.

1. "from our planet": This phrase functions as an adverbial phrase, answering the question "Where?" It describes the origin or source of something.
2. "formed in 1961": This phrase functions as an adjective phrase, modifying a noun. It provides information about when something was created or established.
3. "on the endangered list": This phrase functions as an adjective phrase, modifying a noun. It describes the state or condition of something.
4. "slowly down the rate of extinction": This phrase is not grammatically correct, but it seems to be attempting to function as an adverb phrase to modify a verb. However, it should be "slow down" instead of "slowly down" to convey the intended meaning.
5. "to support these efforts": This phrase functions as an adverbial phrase, answering the question "Why?" It describes the purpose or reason for an action.
6. "with endangered species": This phrase functions as an adverbial phrase, answering the question "With whom or what?" It describes the association or presence of something.
7. "to make changes": This phrase functions as an infinitive verb phrase, indicating the purpose or intention of an action.
8. "saving endangered species": This phrase functions as an adjective phrase, modifying a noun. It describes the action of preserving or protecting something.
9. "for the economy": This phrase functions as an adverbial phrase, answering the question "For what purpose or whom?" It describes the beneficiary or intended outcome of something.