How is one supposed to come up with rhyming words for words such as character, sincerely, question, else???? I don't know what we are expected to come up with? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.

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Thanks, tried that... it is as baffled as I am and only comes up with the same word I type in .... thank you for your attempt, it is appreciated.

For near rhymes, try searching for words ending with *lse
and *ter

To come up with rhyming words for words like character, sincerely, question, and else, you can follow a few steps:

1. Identify the syllables: Break down each word into syllables. For example, the word "character" has three syllables: char-ac-ter.

2. Find common word endings: Look for common word endings that rhyme with the last syllable of the given word. For example, "character" ends with the syllable "ter," so you can search for words that also end with "-ter."

3. Use a rhyming dictionary or website: Use online resources or rhyming dictionaries to find words that rhyme with the chosen word. There are many websites and apps that offer extensive lists of rhyming words. Simply input the word you're trying to find a rhyme for, and you'll get a list of options.

Here are some rhyming words for the examples you provided:

- Character: paper, actor, factor, master.
- Sincerely: merely, nearly, clearly, dearly.
- Question: suggestion, digestion, session, expression.
- Else: dwells, bells, tells, spells.

Remember that not all rhymes will be perfect matches in terms of meaning or suitability. It's important to select rhyming words that make sense in the context of your writing.