The key event that guaranteed Lincoln's reelection in 1864 was? Lincoln won the 1860 election because?

I can think of two events. First, Ulysses Grant, who was immensely popular because of his field victories, refused to run for the Republican nomination and threw his support to Lincoln. Second, Lincoln, who was about to be dumped by his own party's anti-war faction, formed a National Union Part with pro-war Democrats, and went on to a landslide victory. The formation of a third party was a brilliant tactic.

Even Lincoln himself thought he would lose the election.

Because i

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The key event that guaranteed Lincoln's reelection in 1864 was the military success of the Union forces. More specifically, it was the capture of Atlanta by General William T. Sherman in September 1864 that greatly boosted Lincoln's chances of winning a second term.

To understand why Lincoln won the 1860 election, it is important to examine the political climate and dynamics of the time. The election of 1860 was a highly significant and contentious one, taking place just before the outbreak of the American Civil War.

In the 1860 election, Lincoln, representing the Republican Party, was able to secure victory mainly due to several factors:

1. Divisions among the Democratic Party: The Democratic Party was divided into Northern and Southern factions, each supporting different candidates. This fragmentation weakened their chances of winning, allowing Lincoln to gain an advantage.

2. Lincoln's appeal among Republican voters: Lincoln had established himself as a strong opponent of slavery, which resonated with the Republican base. His clear stance against the expansion of slavery into new territories appealed to many voters in the North.

3. Regional dynamics: Lincoln's main support came from the Northern states, where the population was larger and more concentrated. As a result, he was able to secure more electoral votes, leading to his victory.

It is worth noting that Lincoln's victory in the 1860 election was not solely due to his personal qualities or popularity, but rather the unique circumstances and political landscape of the time.