what is 78 times 36 i don`t get it it`s hard!!!!!!



the answer is 2808

To calculate 78 multiplied by 36, you can use long multiplication. Here's a breakdown of the steps:

1. Start by multiplying the ones digit of the first number (8) by the second number (36). The product is 288.
2. Write down the 8 in the ones place and carry over the 2 to the tens place.
3. Then, multiply the tens digit of the first number (7) by the second number (36) and add the carried-over digit (2). The product is 266.
4. Write down the 6 in the tens place and carry over the 6 to the hundreds place.
5. Finally, multiply the hundreds digit of the first number (7) by the second number (36) and add the carried-over digit (6). The product is 252.
6. Write down the 2 in the hundreds place.

Now, combine all the digits to get the final answer: 2808.

You can also use a calculator to directly multiply 78 by 36, which will give you the result of 2808.