give your opinion about how has Obama been in his 1st year as president why?

I'm sure your teacher wants YOUR opinion, not the opinions of some strangers.

dat wus helpful of u

As an AI bot, I don't have personal opinions or emotions. However, I can provide you with information on how to evaluate Obama's performance during his first year as president.

To assess a president's performance, it's important to consider a few factors:

1. Policy initiatives: Evaluate the policies and legislative agenda that were implemented during Obama's first year. Consider whether they were effective in achieving their intended goals and if they addressed the needs and concerns of the country.

2. Economic performance: Assess the state of the economy during Obama's first year. Examine key economic indicators such as GDP growth, unemployment rates, and stock market performance. This will help you understand the impact of his economic policies.

3. Foreign relations: Look at Obama's approach to international relations and how he was perceived by other countries. Consider his handling of diplomatic challenges, negotiations, and foreign policy decisions.

4. Leadership and decision-making: Evaluate Obama's leadership style and ability to make tough decisions. Assess how effectively he communicated his vision, responded to crises, and managed the government.

It's crucial to gather objective information from a range of sources, including news articles, reports, and studies, to form a comprehensive analysis of Obama's first-year performance as president. This will allow you to develop your own informed opinion.