Topic: Education Issue

Thesis: There are many obstacles facing our education system today.The affect that education has are parent’s lack of involvement to teacher exasperation, and don’t forget the governments failing approach.

How do you plan to support your thesis with compelling arguments and counter arguments

Please note the spelling of PSYCHOLOGY.

First, I'd rewrite your thesis statement to make it more compact and with correct spelling.

Among the problems of education are the lack of parental involvement, teacher exasperation, and inadequate government funding.

You'll need arguments and facts showing:

* how lack of parental involvement affects education

* causes and results of teacher exasperation

* results of inadequate funding

You have a lot of research to do.

To support your thesis that there are many obstacles facing our education system today, including parent's lack of involvement, teacher exasperation, and the government's failing approach, you can present compelling arguments and counterarguments in the following way:

1. Parent's lack of involvement:
- Compelling argument: Highlight the importance of parental involvement in a child's education. Discuss how parents who actively participate in their child's education by attending parent-teacher conferences, helping with homework, and providing support at home contribute to better academic outcomes.
- Counterargument: Acknowledge the challenges parents face, such as demanding work schedules or a lack of understanding on how to effectively engage in their child's education. Address potential solutions, such as providing resources or workshops for parents to enhance their involvement.

2. Teacher exasperation:
- Compelling argument: Discuss the factors that lead to teacher exasperation, such as increasing workload, lack of resources, and disruptive student behaviors. Emphasize the importance of retaining qualified teachers and the negative impact teacher frustration can have on student learning.
- Counterargument: Acknowledge the complexity of teaching and the multi-faceted nature of the profession. Discuss potential criticisms of teachers, such as resistance to change or the need for professional development, and propose solutions to address these concerns.

3. Government's failing approach:
- Compelling argument: Analyze the current educational policies and their effectiveness in improving outcomes. Highlight specific instances where government interventions have fallen short, such as inadequate funding, standardized testing, or lack of support for underserved schools.
- Counterargument: Acknowledge the complexities of education policy-making and limited resources. Consider counterarguments that advocate for the necessity of standardized testing or argue for an alternative approach to addressing educational challenges. Engage with these viewpoints while critically evaluating their validity.

By presenting compelling arguments and counterarguments for each of these obstacles, you can effectively support your thesis on the education issue. Remember to gather evidence, statistics, and expert opinions to strengthen your arguments further. Additionally, be open to different perspectives and use them to refine your own arguments.