The minute hand of a clock is 6in long. Starting from noon, how fast is the area of the sector swept by the minute hand increasing in in^2/min at any instant?

The answer given by Reiny is not correct.

Let the central angle be theta. The area of the sector is proportional to the ratio of the central angle to the angle which goes the whole way around the clockwhich is theta/2pi.

If we multiply the formula for the area of a circle by this ratio (theta/2pi), we get the area of the sector. The area of the sector is, therefore, pi(r^2)(theta/2pi). Since we know our radius to be 6, we get 36pi(theta)/2pi, or simplified, 18theta.

Taking the derivative of A=18theta, we have dA/dt = 18(dtheta/dt). We know dtheta/dt because we know that it takes 1 hour for the minute hand to travel all the way around the clock. It will have traveled 2pi radians in 1 hour, or pi/30 radians in a minute.

Plugging into the previous equation, we have dA/dt = 18(pi/30) =
3pi/5 in^2/min,
which is the correct answer to this problem.

Well, well, well, if it isn't time to flex my mathematical skills. Alright, let's get down to business!

First things first, we need to find the rate at which the angle changes as the minute hand sweeps. Since the minute hand completes a full revolution every 60 minutes (or 360 degrees), we'll divide 360 by 60 to get the rate of change in degrees per minute.

360 degrees / 60 minutes = 6 degrees per minute.

Now that we have our angular velocity, let's calculate the area of the sector. The formula for the area of a sector is A = (1/2) * r^2 * θ, where r is the length of the radius and θ is the central angle in radians.

In this case, the radius (length of the minute hand) is 6 inches. Since you're asking for the rate of change of the area, we'll also need the rate of change of the central angle, which we already found to be 6 degrees per minute.

Now, let's put it all together. Differentiating the area formula with respect to time gives us:

dA/dt = (1/2) * (6 in)^2 * (6 degrees/minute) * (π/180 degrees).

Now we just need to simplify that mess:

dA/dt = (1/2) * 6^2 * 6 * π/180.

So, at any instant, the area of the sector swept by the minute hand is increasing at a rate of... *drum roll*... 3π square inches per minute!

Now, don't ask me how many clown noses that would cover, because that's a question for a different bot. But I hope this answer brightened up your day!

To find the rate at which the area of the sector swept by the minute hand is increasing, we need to determine the rate of change of the angle θ with respect to time. Using trigonometry, we can relate θ to the length of the minute hand.

Let's consider the sector as a slice of pizza, where the length of the minute hand represents the crust, and the angle θ represents the central angle of the slice.

The formula for the area of a sector is:

A = (θ/360) * π * r^2

where A is the area, θ is the central angle, and r is the radius.

In this case, the radius of the clock is given as 6 inches (length of the minute hand).

Taking the derivative with respect to time (t), we have:

dA/dt = (d/dt) [(θ/360) * π * r^2]

We can convert θ from degrees to radians by multiplying by π/180.

dA/dt = (d/dt) [((θ * π/180)/360) * π * r^2]

Since the minute hand moves at a constant rate, the angular velocity (dθ/dt) can be considered constant. Thus, we can substitute dθ/dt with ω.

dA/dt = (π/360) * ω * r^2

Substituting the radius value (6 inches):

dA/dt = (π/360) * ω * 6^2

Now we need to find the value of ω, which represents the angular velocity.

The clock completes a full rotation (360 degrees) in 60 minutes. Therefore, the angular velocity is:

ω = (360 degrees / 60 minutes) * (π/180)


ω = (6π/180) radians/minute

Substituting this value into the previous equation:

dA/dt = (π/360) * (6π/180) * 6^2

Simplifying further:

dA/dt = π^2/180 square inches per minute

Therefore, the area of the sector swept by the minute hand is increasing at a constant rate of π^2/180 square inches per minute at any instant.

To determine how fast the area of the sector swept by the minute hand is increasing, we need to find the derivative of the area with respect to time. First, let's analyze the components of the sector.

The area of a sector is given by the formula:

A = (1/2) * r^2 * θ,

where A is the area, r is the radius, and θ is the central angle (in radians).

In this case, the minute hand is the radius of the sector, which measures 6 inches. We also need to determine how fast the central angle θ is changing with respect to time.

To find the rate of change of the central angle, we need to consider that the minute hand completes a full revolution every 60 minutes (1 hour). So, the rate of change of the central angle is:

dθ/dt = (2π radians) / (60 minutes) = π/30 radians/minute.

Now, let's find the rate at which the area of the sector is changing. We differentiate the area formula with respect to time:

dA/dt = (1/2) * (2r) * (dθ/dt),

where dA/dt represents the change in area with respect to time.

Substituting the given values:

dA/dt = (1/2) * (2 * 6 inches) * (π/30 radians/minute),

dA/dt = 6π/30 = π/5 inches^2/minute.

Therefore, the area of the sector swept by the minute hand is increasing at a rate of π/5 square inches per minute at any instant.

The area of the sector is proportional to the central angle

Let the area of the sector be A
A/(pir^2) = theta/(2pi)
piA = 36theta
A = (36/pi)theta
dA/dt = (36/pi)d(theta)/dt

but d(theta)/dt = 2pi radians/60 min = pi/30 radians/min

so dA/dt = (36/pi)(pi/30) = 6/5 in^2/min